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Data Structures

GoFrame provides several commonly used data structures such as lists, queues, sets, maps, etc. For detailed information, refer to the official documentation.


Current Time

t := gtime.Now()
t := gtime.Date()
t := gtime.Datetime()

Creating Time Objects

t := gtime.New("2023-11-03 21:45:22")

The parameter can be a string, timestamp, or time object, etc.

t := gtime.NewFromStr("2023-11-03 21:50:25")
t, err := gtime.StrToTime("2023-11-03 21:50:25")

Converts a string to a time object; see supported time formats in the Time Management/Utility Methods section of the documentation.

Setting Time Zone

t := gtime.Now()


t1 := gtime.Timestamp()
t2 := gtime.TimestampMilli()
t3 := gtime.TimestampMicro()
t4 := gtime.TimestampNano()

Returns as int64 type; can also return as a string type.

t1 := gtime.TimestampStr()
t2 := gtime.TimestampMilliStr()
t3 := gtime.TimestampMicroStr()
t4 := gtime.TimestampNanoStr()

Formatting Date Data

Formats a date into the specified format; see formatting symbols in the Time Management/Date Formatting section of the documentation.

t := gtime.Now()
req.Response.Writeln(t.Format("Y-m-d H:i:s"))

Getting Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second

t := gtime.Now()

For more methods, see the Time Management/Method Introduction section of the documentation.

Random Numbers

Random Integer

n := grand.Intn(100)

Returns a random number between 0 inclusive and 100 exclusive.

n := grand.N(100, 999)

Returns a random number between 100 inclusive and 999 inclusive.

Random Strings

s := grand.S(10)
s := grand.S(10, true)

Returns a random alphanumeric string of the specified length; the second parameter true includes special characters.

s := grand.Digits(10)

Returns a random numeric string of the specified length.

s := grand.Letters(10)

Returns a random alphabetic string of the specified length.

s := grand.Symbols(10)

Returns a random string of special characters of the specified length.

s := grand.Str("日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。Oh Yeah", 5)

Returns a specified number of characters randomly selected from the given string, which can include Chinese characters.

Global Unique Identifier

s := guid.S()